Summer, the scorching sun head. However, the Oriental Plaza in Beijing, but do not feel the BMW Lifestyle store the heat of summer, warm and smiling staff colt came introduces customers goods. He graduated from Beijing Union University, ponies, more than a year working here, "he told investors," reporter he is now about 4,000 yuan monthly income: wages of 2,000 yuan, plus an allowance, the other is the sales commission. "Store sales have been very stable, monthly sales are more than a million, so the monthly performance bonus can get more than 2,000 yuan."
Colt was satisfied on the current work, because with him most of the graduates are now engaged in the company can only work like clerks, total monthly income does not exceed 2,000 yuan. But he also admits that he graduates with only operator in the middle income, the family has a relationship as long as the students entered the telecommunications, banking, now earn 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. "I do not think it fair, but those who earn less than 2,000 students will be felt not fair to see me, the more these things more they want to be imbalance, simply do not want to." He said.
Work in the colt store, a T-shirt prices are more than 2,000 yuan, 1,500 yuan each tie general, coat 5,000, compared with 5.5 million price tag for a bike is a mere trifle, and store display the two prices in the millions up and down the BMW is the BMW may really want people to buy.
Contract from 2003 onwards the old oil well is these millions of dollars more homogeneous consumer goods is one, "I bought a house in Beijing is 260 square meters, a set of mahogany furniture, spent more than ten million." Qi side of the old fiddle mobile phone while talking with their wealth, but in the end he handed the phone to send text messages to reporters to help him, because he "never not understand these complex mobile phone."
Pony, old Qi, pony, the old ... in these people and things together are behind, let the Chinese Economic System Reform Foundation, Wang Xiaolu, deputy director of National Economic Research Institute to see is a can no longer evade the question - rapidly expanding income gap. "If this problem is not resolved, the sustainability of future economic development may face serious problems, and we will face on the political legitimacy and social stability and development challenges can." Wang Rutan statement.