Manufacturing, But our national innovation capacity is poor, is an endorsement from the student's culture, tell the students how to do, rather than
Allow them to think, for the rigid mode of education in China, I often could not help but criticize a fuck, to be shameless, students acting as a proxy.
Consent, the burden on enterprises is also important, I am referring to is the private sector, because our state-owned enterprises do not need to close down and unable to pay wages to worry about
The development of the private sector to benefit also the demographic dividend of cheap labor, but now everything in the past, because the cost of doing business will become increasingly high, and then a is
A reshuffle, our side is that you want to change the development mode, while they have to admit, in China for the development of Chinese enterprises only on behalf of Canadian industry,
Because of piracy and creativity of the lower China to change its development model is basically impossible task.
I feel that way Now we can go is to their own profession to do fine, painstaking, and do a good job, if mode of the electronics industry in Taiwan.
Our company is doing precision plastic mold and molding products, my goal is to do fine, done from a professional to become more professional.
As the private sector, although the external living environment is poor, but I believe, live and go on a real producer -----
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