-- mould maker,injection molding
If we say that now most of our foreign trade plastic injection mold company headaches, in addition to rising labor and raw materials, the most troublesome is the exchange rate
In 2011, the company's mold purchase orders, mostly from the euro area, so we settled in euros, but in 2011 the decline of the euro roller coaster for a lot of profit
Loss, a simple example, if 1 million of orders, the exchange rate decreased by 10% loss of 100,000, and this could be the profits of the entire order.
Now and customers are mostly denominated in U.S. dollars, and today the country's new support introduced, do not know if that helps the foreign trade enterprises
Let our eyes wide open Kanba.
Since April 16, 2012, the inter-bank spot foreign exchange market, the RMB against the U.S. dollar trading band by five thousandths expanded to one percent, the daily inter-bank spot foreign exchange market trading price of the RMB against the U.S. dollar within the range of the China Foreign Exchange Trade Center announced the day of RMB against the U.S. dollar central parity of the upper and lower one percent of the float. The designated foreign exchange banks to provide customers with the date of U.S. dollars the highest cash offer price and the minimum cash purchase price of the difference shall not exceed the magnitude of the central parity rate of the day to expand from 1% to 2%, other provisions are still in compliance with the People's Bank of China on the interbank foreign exchange market trading exchange rate and foreign exchange designated banks listed on the exchange rate management issues related to notice. "
Molds supply:- Nice post. I really like this post. CNMould Co., Ltd. also be the world famous Chinese plastic mould manufacturers in Southeast of China, from 1999 a small workshop until today.