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National Development and Reform Commission yesterday released "real estate sales price codes require" home sales should be clearly marked explicitly, the implementation of a set a price, and clearly publicized collection agency fees and service charges of property, real estate operator shall not charge any price without outside indicated costs. Marked price of foreign real estate sales price, you can own price, discount sales, but prices must re-declare for the record.
The "rule" will be held from May 1 to enforce. National Development and Reform Commission which is clearly the first time in real estate across the country to "price tag", after the commercial "day by day price" or even "one day a few price" of the situation, is expected to be contained.
All one-time public availability
According to regulations, to obtain pre-approval or filed for sales of existing homes real estate development projects, developers should be open within the specified time once all sales listings, and in strict accordance with the declared value marked price of foreign sales. Each real estate price tag, the implementation of a one standard.
In accordance with the building area or building area denominated kit should also be marked or kit building area floor area of unit price.
Real estate sales prices are clearly the price should be complete, the price is true clear, clear writing, eye-catching label and marked the pricing department to report complaints telephone.
Last April in accordance with "the State Council on firmly to curb housing prices in some cities, the notice" (Guo Fa [2010] 10) documentation requirements for obtaining license or sale of existing home sales record for real estate development projects, to the provisions of All sales within a one-time public housing, in strict accordance with the declared value marked price of foreign sales.
First be asked to second-hand house price codes
The NDRC also clearly the price of second-hand housing extended to operate the business intermediaries.
Provides that "real estate development enterprises and intermediary service organizations (hereinafter referred to as commercial operators) selling new housing should be clearly marked in accordance with these provisions. Intermediary Services Sales price tag second-hand housing reference to these provisions."
Development and Reform Commission said that this provision is mainly for real estate developers, after the introduction of second-hand housing will be clearly marked as specified, currently only do the normative requirements. You have to indicate the price includes: First, the current selling price on the basis of second-hand house; Second, clear all the intermediary services.
In addition, the Development and Reform Commission is also supporting the punitive measures. For violations developers, the people's governments above the county level can be based on price departments price method, and so the laws and regulations, the implementation of administrative penalties.