Monthly income of 10,000 yuan now be regarded as high, the answer is different for each person, but if the majority have to pay tax, it is certainly very high, at least I think so ====== China toolmakers, china mold makers, china plastic product, china injection molding, china vacuum thermeforming, china rapid prototyping User calculate the 6600 trigger hot; tax experts believe the number of specific taxes, and consumption of individual consumers directly related to the specific
Million in the end how much monthly income tax? Some netizens said the count reached 6,000 yuan, an interview with reporters yesterday that relevant experts and afterwards, a tax plus other indirect taxes, even in extreme cases, all the disposable income to buy the highest cigarette tax rates, the highest tax burden of about 4698.4 yuan.
Recently, a personal statement reproduced on the Internet competing cause concern. "Monthly income of 10,000, a tax to pay 14%, 12% provident fund, pension insurance 8%, 4% of medical unemployment insurance = 3,800 yuan, 6,200 yuan left; If you come up with 6200 total consumption, you need to pay for consumer goods 17% VAT, 28% various miscellaneous tax = 2,800 yuan, so make 1 million people a month, you have to come up with 6600 equivalent to (tax). "
Deputy Director, Institute of Fiscal Science, fiscal policy expert Su said yesterday that if the 10,000 yuan are "wages and salaries" income from taxation in terms of principle, not pay taxes so high as several thousand dollars, the general said personal payment How much consumption tax is not how much tax generated in the process, and specifically how much tax, and it is the specific consumption of individual consumers directly related.
It is understood that personal tax situation in sub-direct and indirect taxes, then the two together, the monthly income "million households," What will pay how much?