Bloomberg (Michael Bloomberg), a former New York mayor and billionaire, announced on the 13th that he would spend $100 million to help Democratic Biden attack Florida in key states and save his campaign money elsewhere. During the same period, Trump also said that he must win the election without ruling out his 100 million campaign.
The campaign was expensive, Until the last reported pre-August expenses, Trump has spent $800 million, Biden spent 410 million. It is generally estimated that by 3 November, Both camps will spend 1 billion. Biden, after nominating her as deputy, The campaign's fundraising is booming, They raised 360 million in August, And Trump only raised 210 million, Hardly $154 million less. Neither side has announced how much money is left, But the Trump campaign has been saving money many times. Now, Bloomberg is going to add 100 million to his opponent, The target is Trump's hukou, Florida, This is not good news for Trump.
Why Florida
Florida has been a battleground state for years, a key swing state. Remember that in the 2000 U. S. election, George W. Bush and Gore because of the Florida communications vote, re-check and other issues of litigation, the final case to the High Court, and the High Court decided that in that district George W. Bush won, resulting in the Florida election to George W. Bush and let him win the White House. Florida was also the key state in Trump's last general election, winning only 1.2 percent of the 120,000 votes by universal suffrage.
Florida, with 29 Xu Yuan votes, is the third-largest state in the United States after California and Texas. California and New York are hard-core Democratic districts, and Texas has always been a Republican (a little hanging this year, but not a big question), so Florida's 29 electoral votes are a key indicator of almost every election, who wins Florida and who takes the White House. Trump's 2016 Florida poll, as it is now, has lagged Hillary Clinton by 1-3 percentage points,1.8 points behind the week before the election, with 1.2 percent winning and a successful turnaround. However, in 2016, three days before the election, Trump was ahead of Florida, but the average poll still showed a lag. In fact, the two-point lead is not strictly a lead, within the margin of error, and the lesson of the 2016 poll is that there are a group of Trump's incognito supporters that polls are hard to reflect.
Bloomberg 100 million
Bloomberg is going to hit Florida for 100 million, of course. A billion of advertising and publicity, in less than 50 days can play great publicity. This will force Trump to invest resources in Florida, squeezing his spending in other states, as if he would fall behind if he didn't pay for it.
For Biden, for the next 49 days, he needs to focus on four states: Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire and Nevada: Pennsylvania, Arizona and Florida. It can also be said to be four attacks three. And for Trump, he wants to keep Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, focusing on Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and trying to get at least one back from Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Nevada. Trump's battlefield is much bigger!
Bloomberg focuses on the largest Florida states in these battlefield states, dragging down Trump's role is great! Moreover, there is indeed a group of middle voters in Florida whose voting intentions can be won.
Four years ago, Trump beat Hillary Clinton at 57:40 among 65-year-olds in Florida, but the latest poll was 49:48, equivalent to a tie. This time around 16 points, is completely enough to flip the number.
Also, Florida has a large number (26%) of themselves as middle voters, and in the Marist College survey, the two middle voters supported Biden 51:40 Trump. In the final stage of the election, the votes of the middle voters were snatched.
The third influential group is Hispanic. About 20% of Florida's voters are Hispanic, mostly from Central American countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and El Salvador. However, Hispanic voters are deeply divided on support, with Cuba and Venezuela backing Trump heavily and Puerto Rico backing Biden. Of Bloomberg's 100 million, there will be considered advertising in Spanish. Because English-speaking Hispanics support Trump more, while Spanish-speaking voters are Biden more.

It would be nice to have a good business together.