
French institutions announced global happiness rankings. China ranks wonderfully

 Russian media 9 news, French institutions announced the global happiness ranking.

It is reported that France's Ipsos happiness poll results, in the world's 27 countries, China ranked 93% of the first. The Netherlands and Saudi Arabia ranked second and third with 87% and 80% respectively, and global happiness has plummeted in the last decade. China is the only country with a sharp rise in happiness, up 15 percentage points. China ranks amazing! This shows that China has a lot of foreign even if there is money, it is difficult to change things exist.

Curious, China's per capita gdp is not outstanding, but happiness is still very high. Economic base determines superstructure, to have higher happiness, naturally there is a certain degree of economic base, the actual third is the Saudi Arabia known as Tuhao, the second is the developed country, the Netherlands, are not bad money, but the problem is that the first is China with lower per capita gdp.

That is, China is better at security. Saudi Arabia, for example, in the Middle East, is indeed rich, but in recent years it has often engaged in armed exchanges with Houthis, suffered missile attacks, and so on; the Netherlands can also legally carry guns under certain conditions, with occasional shootings. And this new crown epidemic, the Netherlands has been diagnosed more than 150000, you say, once in that world, no matter how much money can not take away, safety is very important. And that's why china is amazing: even if its per capita gdp is low, it can still be at the top of happiness.

CNMOULDING agree with this report, yesterday our European customers informed me that their country was going to be closed again. I told him that everything is normal in China now. We have just finished 8 days of vacation, travel, shopping, everything recovered as before.

 The common people are very satisfied with the government's control of the epidemic. Everyone's life is also very happy. Although many people say our country is not good, let them to ask the Chinese people what is our really feeling.

 Of course, I also pray that God bless the end of the epidemic abroad as soon as possible, the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment.

All walks of life, including our mold manufacturing and plastic precision injection molding, are thriving, with jobs and money

