
U.S. "government-sponsored enterprises" and "two rooms" had been considered impossible to close down

It is reported that the White House as early as 11 local time, proposed a program to gradually weaken the Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae") and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac") is role, and eventually these two institutions shut down. As the U.S. "government-sponsored enterprises" and "two rooms" had been considered impossible to close down. But analysts pointed out that so-called "government-sponsored enterprises," essentially does not enjoy the government credit, the U.S. government made to ensure that such enterprises in China have the ability to meet the financial obligations of the undertaking, in fact, but without any real protection "blank check" , China must actively choose the related bond holdings.
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To see what users say
"Two rooms" the size of bonds is not about $ 500,000,000,000 decimal places, causing huge losses overseas investment is the nation and the people and country as irresponsible, the government needs the people loyal to the nation and financial planning are not acts of espionage (traitorous behavior) of the experts and officials! I'm sorry for this! Deplored! To worry about!
Billions of people not blind people have sharp eyes we no longer know the truth. Who is responsible for such a great loss today. Billions of people watching it. Ten thousand words omitted here.
Caused such great loss to the country should not someone responsible for it? Signs so obvious, not only underweight but not overweight, what is the purpose?
This is a U.S. pre-planned conspiracy, and highway robbery. What is the credibility of the United States!

